Dubai Construction License

A Construction business setup in Dubai requires numerous approvals, licenses and clearances.On top of this list is the construction license registration. Once the permit is secured the business entity can then hire engineers, site in-charge personnel and workers of various kinds. Building
license is yet another legal document which is required before the construction activity can take place. Dubai Municipality issued the license and called G+1 permit – a crucial step towards laying the foundation of a residential or commercial structure.

A construction company formation in Dubai UAE not only entails clearances but also several special permits from environmental and civil works departments. Discussed below are some of the necessary approvals asked by the Dubai authorities

  1. Drainage and irrigation department – Involves liquid waste management and other
    disposable services
  2. Water and electricity department – confirmation to provide the basic amenities to the
  3. Building department and Dubai Civil Defence authority – Both institutes are responsible to
    cross-checks the construction norms should be adhered to

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